
Category: Original Oil Paintings
Image: Portrait of a woman
Color: The art is painted with acrylic color
Size: 120×150 cm
Technique: Acrylic on stretched canvas

VAGNELINDs story behind the fictive portrait KALI TIEBREAK: Kali can mean ‘black’ or it can mean ‘energetic.’ While black is the absence of colour, it is necessary for all other colours to have depth and hue: when black has been added to white, it can never be anything but grey again. It is in this grey area which Kali lives. She is enigmatic, listening and absorbing rather than sharing her own story. She finds her energy in the calm of night, acting under her own jurisdiction. Nonetheless, she has a sweetness beneath her mysteriousness, like in the licorice or the blackberries she loves so much.

Certificate of Authenticity: The art comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
Signature: Signed by the artist VAGNELIND.


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The art of VAGNELIND is represented around the world, both in official and private collections. Her signature is large paintings where she interprets people and their stories sculpturally with wide brushes and thick color, somewhere in the borderland between 2D and 3D. Her art have been auctioned for over 100,000 SEK. She is fascinated by water in all its forms. She has been building several suites at ICEHOTEL as an ice sculptor and won an international snow sculpture competition 2021. She is a cold bath expert and the author of the book KALLA BAD, she won the award for the best book cover as a photographer and art director. VAGNELIND inspires different teams to increase their motivation through creative workshops where she uses various challenges such as ice bath or climbing as a complement to the painting session for everyone to reach their full potential.

VAGNELIND.SE – Find your favorite work of art by the artist VAGNELIND. Original oil paintings and ink drawings in the categories Line Bozettos and Ink Modellos. Some art available as Limited edition fine art pritnt.


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